December 6-7, 2022 Online


WITI - WINS - Containerization, Cloud Native and HPC App Deployment

Wednesday, December 7th • 11:00am — 12:00pm PDT

Imagine a sandwich... a software app sandwich with everything you need in a tidy, light weight, deployable package - OS kernel, dependencies and services. Now imagine this sandwich as a secure image, either an instance or feeding multiple independent requirements as a cluster. That sandwich is a container runtime, and that appetite is an organization's HPC or Cloud Native hosted applications needs. Containerization, and associated orchestration tools, represent an extremely efficient application deployment and reuse schema. Join WITI and learn from leading Container Runtime companies like Sylabs discuss container security, scalability and portability in this new WITI Industry Network and Skills community.

Join this this one-hour, live webinar and share your curiosity, experience and skills with industry experts and novices in a content rich, interactive and safe setting. WITI (Industry, Networking and Skills) WINS events are held monthly.

Please Note: WITI WINS communities are safe spaces for education and relationship building only. Recruitment or solicitation of attendees is strictly prohibited at all WITI WINS Events.