APAC Track
At WITI’s 27th Annual Global Summit

We are delighted to bring a dedicated APAC focus to WITI’s 27th Annual Summit, with the theme of Stories of Resilience.
The pandemic has helped us discover new ways of living, working, and thriving. We were presented with sheer uncertainty that rattled us and subjected us to long periods of strife. As we continue to cope with the pandemic, we wish to uncover stories of resilience by exploring the challenges, struggles, and overcoming that make people who they are and the organizations what they are.
With personal narratives that inspire confidence and an honest examination into how we can leverage resilience, we hope to foster dialog on:
- Well Being and Empathetic Leadership
- Disruptive and Emerging Technologies
- Digital Education and Entrepreneurship
- Sustainability and Social Impact
- Equity, Inclusivity, and Belonging
By shining the spotlight onto the stories of those who navigated complexities and emerged victorious, let’s unite as a collective to learn and thrive together.
Special APAC Track Kickoff: Tuesday, June 15
Session #001
Fireside Chat: Navigating Success with Sindhu Gangadharan
4:00-4:45pm IST / 3:30-4:15am PDT / 6:30-7:15am EDT
- Marti Evans, Managing Director, Strategic Partnerships, WITI (Moderator)
- Sindhu Gangadharan, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, SAP Labs India
The pandemic has left us exhausted and burnt out, even as we embark on a path towards recovery. Drawing from her personal journey, Sindhu Gangadharan walks you through the invisible career rules that help you thrive in the workplace: owning your achievements, cultivating lifelong allies and mentors, and adopting a growth mindset.
Wednesday, June 23
Session #311
Welcome and Introduction
5:30-5:35pm IST / 5:00-5:05am PDT / 8:00-8:05am EDT
- David Leighton, Co-Founder and President, WITI
- Arya Murali, Vice President, WITI India (Master of Ceremonies)
Join us as we kickstart the first-ever Asia Pacific track of WITI’s Annual Global Summit! Engrossing sessions and fascinating speakers await you.
Session #312
Keynote Session: Authentic Leadership
5:35-6:00pm IST / 5:05-5:30am PDT / 8:05-8:30am EDT
- K.K. Shailaja, Former Minister of Health, Kerala; and Vogue India – Woman of the Year 2020
Leaders are not born, but made. They come to light not when the sailing is smooth, but when the storm strikes. They inspire their crew to toughen up, confront challenging situations, and emerge victorious. We are excited to bring in a celebrated leader, an unstoppable force of nature, who will inspire you to find the leader in yourself – Presenting Vogue Woman of the Year 2020 and former Minister of Health, Social Justice and Woman and Child Development of Kerala: KK Shailaja Teacher!
Session #313
CXO Roundtable: The Future of Women in Tech in APAC
6:00-6:40pm IST / 5:30-6:10am PDT / 8:30-9:10am EDT
- Michelle Bailey, CEO, WITI (Moderator)
- Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairperson & CEO, Salesforce India
- Gargi Dasgupta, Director, IBM Research/India; CTO, IBM India & South Asia
- Rucha Nanavati, CIO, Mahindra Group
- Rohini Srivathsa, Ph.D., National Technology Officer (CTO), Microsoft India
- Elizabeth Xu, Ph.D., CTO, CP Group
Where are we now with women in tech in APAC, and where can we go from here? In this CXO roundtable, we dive into what having real representation means – the obstacles that still plague women in tech, and the interventions that can be applied so we may chart better paths for the future. As the panelists share their own experiences and observations, we ponder: what should we do now to shift from awareness to action?
Session #314
Fireside Chat: Aligning Your Skills with Your Purpose, with Naiyya Saggi
6:40-7:05pm IST / 6:10-6:35am PDT / 9:10-9:35am EDT
- Rituparna Mandal, General Manager, Mediatek Bangalore (Moderator)
- Naiyya Saggi, Founder & CEO, Baby Chakra
The road to success is an arduous one. What keeps one going is one’s passion for the end goal. Often, people sign up for opportunities that are in line with their expertise, but not our purpose. How do you then switch gears to align your skills with your life’s calling, and still emerge successful? Tune in to discover answers as Rituparna Mandal catches up with Naiyya Saggi, who went from being a Lawyer to an MBA graduate from Harvard Business School, before founding her passion-project Baby Chakra, a celebrated technology platform for maternity and childcare, along with taking up the role of a Mentor at Facebook’s #SheLeadsTech program.
Session #315
Power Talk: From the Sticky Floor to the Glass Ceiling — Overcoming Barriers as Women in Tech
7:05-7:30pm IST / 6:35-7:00am PDT / 9:35-10:00am EDT
- Mangalapadma Srinivasan, Director, Verizon Consumer Group, India
As Women in Tech, we hit numerous roadblocks – lack of fair opportunities, career breaks, not being given due credit for our efforts, not having enough seats at the table. We can either choose to remain stuck to the sticky floor, or learn to break the glass ceilings that cage us. Mangalapadma Srinivasan delivers a powerful talk on how we can overcome barriers that hinder our growth, and soar high to build remarkable, enviable careers in tech.
Session #316
Kickstart Your Career with a Bang
7:30-8:15pm IST / 7:00-7:45am PDT / 10:00-10:45am EDT
- Liyana Sahir, Incoming Masters Student, AI at IISc Bangalore (Moderator)
- Arya Murali, Vice President, WITI India
- Sukriti Paul, Genome Data Scientist, NonExomics
- Mehul Smriti Raje, Software Engineer, Google US
- Lakshya Sivaramakrishnan, Technical Program Manager, Google India
“Well begun is half done” — Aristotle.
We have all been there: unsure where to start our tech journey, uncertain of what awaits us in the future, unclear on how to chalk out next steps in our careers. Fret not! The WITI APAC Summit will host four young dynamic women, each with a unique journey, who have carved a niche for themselves in the world of tech, very early in their careers.
We invite all students, graduates-to-be, and early career professionals to voice out their questions and gain valuable insights and actionable steps on how to kickstart a stellar career in tech.
Thursday, June 24
Session #411
Welcome and Introduction
5:30-5:35pm IST / 5:00-5:05am PDT / 8:00-8:05am EDT
- David Leighton, Co-Founder and President, WITI
- Arya Murali, Vice President, WITI India (Master of Ceremonies)
Session #413
Keynote Presentation: Hearing from a Role Model
5:35-6:00pm IST / 5:05-5:35am PDT / 8:05-8:30am EDT
- Dr. Tessy Thomas, Distinguished Scientist and Director General (Aeronautical Systems), DRDO
Everyone needs a role model: to emulate, to learn from, to aspire to be like. We are joined by an extraordinary leader who is the epitome of strength, grace, and perseverance – someone India recognises as its Missile Woman, and the world looks up to as a role model. Dr. Tessy Thomas is a scientist at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). She served as the Project Director for the Agni IV and V missiles, making her the first woman to lead missile teams in India. Tune in to find the inspiration you are looking for to chase your dreams.
Session #415
Roundtable: Empathy in the Face of Uncertainty
6:00-6:45pm IST / 5:30-6:15am PDT / 8:30-9:15am EDT
- Shivani Reddy, HR Business Partner Manager, TDCX Malaysia (Moderator)
- Aditi Banerjee, Ph.D., Managing Director, Accenture
- Supria Dhanda, Vice President, Western Digital
- Annie Mathew, Head of Developer Relations, Microsoft APAC
As we collectively observe the turbulence brought about by the pandemic, how can leaders help people get back on their feet following this crisis? We explore how leaders at all levels can walk the tightrope between employee well-being and business continuity through empathetic leadership, by implementing policies and practices that are rooted in compassion and resilience.
Session #417
Panel Discussion: Reimagining Technology in 2021
6:45-7:30pm IST / 6:15-7:00am PDT / 9:15-10:00am EDT
- Shehara Viswanathan, Technology Evangelist, Cisco (Moderator)
- Mala Bhat, Director, Software Engineering, Dell
- Sumedha Limaye, GM, Xeon Networking, Intel India
- Roopashree HM, Global Director, Foundation IP & EDA, Texas Instruments
Join us as we discover what it takes to reimagine technology – what does the future hold, and where do we start? How are various industries adopting innovation and fostering creativity to bring about a technological revolution? In the face of rapidly changing and disruptive technology, learn about what you’ll need to polish the tools in your arsenal to be at the forefront of this metamorphosis. Where do you find your place in the future of tech?