Subject To Change

Leah Johansen
Physician, Lifeforce
Dr. Lisa Palmer, Founder and CEO for Dr Lisa AI, a boutique AI advisory firm, delivers a captivating and interactive keynote designed to empower attendees with an actionable understanding of AI realities. She provides a global AI overview with insights on how this exploding technology impacts industries, businesses, and individuals. Dr. Lisa's approach is designed to provide a well-rounded picture from the macro level to the frontlines, exciting her audience about engaging with this awesome technology.

David Leighton
Co-Founder and President, WITI
David Leighton is Co-founder and President of WITI - Women in Technology International, a global organization founded in 1989. WITI is the premier organization for women who consider technology central to their careers, businesses, and personal lives. David is a creative, highly motivated relationship builder, with a strong network that covers multiple Industries. Additionally, he has launched and led several start-up companies. He was formerly Chairman of Risk Analysis Group, a security strategies firm specializing in Integrated Risk Management, the enterprise-wide application of business principles that protects and streamlines organizations. He is also the founder of Criterion Research, an executive search firm that locates highly specialized technologists and executives for internet, software, semiconductor companies, and venture capital firms. David worked closely with the executive team at Borland International from 1989 to 1994, helping the firm grow to the #2 software company in the world. He also did key searches for Transmeta as they were transforming the way chips were built, as well as for Mark Benioff's last project at Oracle before he started Salesforce. David also co-founded Webolution, an Internet infrastructure and custom web-presence consulting firm whose clients include Sun Microsystems, Paramount Pictures, and Intel.

Dr. Lisa Palmer
Chief AI Strategist, Dr. Lisa AI
Dr. Lisa Palmer, Founder and CEO for Dr Lisa AI, a boutique AI advisory firm, delivers a captivating and interactive keynote designed to empower attendees with an actionable understanding of AI realities. She provides a global AI overview with insights on how this exploding technology impacts industries, businesses, and individuals. Dr. Lisa's approach is designed to provide a well-rounded picture from the macro level to the frontlines, exciting her audience about engaging with this awesome technology.

Marla Sofer
VP, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Carta

Joy Tan
Founder and CEO
As the senior vice president of public affairs for Huawei Technologies USA, Joy Tan is responsible for setting and executing public relations and government relations strategies in the U.S. From 2014 to January 2019, Joy served as the president of global media and communications for Huawei Technologies, setting and executing the media and communications strategy for the entire company. She was instrumental in promoting Huawei's thought leadership, corporate values, key products and solutions and making Huawei one of the top 100 brands in the world. Previously, Joy was responsible for corporate branding, where she led the initiative to transform Huawei into a global brand. She also managed Huawei's integrated marketing communications in the United States.